S3E01 | True to His Word | 完璧归赵


Saying: “To return the complete Jade to Zhao”
Pinyin: Wán Bì Guī Zhào
Chinese: 完璧归赵


Welcome back to Season 3 of the Chinese Sayings Podcast!

In this season, all episodes will feature heroes and brave soldiers from Chinese history. The season opener features Sima Xiangru promises his king if the precious He Shi Bi jade ornament should get stolen or lost, he will find it and return it safely to his home state of Zhao all in one piece.

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Terms in Episode

Ānyáng安阳City along the Yellow River. The Shang Dynasty had their base there
a flat jade disc that has a whole in the middle, used in ancient rituals and ceremonies
Chéngdū成都Present day capital of Sichuan province
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese saying, idiom
GuīTo return something
Hàn Dynasty汉朝The dynasty that followed the Zhou
Hán Fēizǐ韩非子Student of Xunzi and later one of the fathers of Legalism
Hándān邯郸Capital of the ancient Zhao state
Hé Shì Bì和氏璧Ancient piece of jade with a long story. Later turned into the imperial seal of Qin Shihuang
Héběi河北Hebei Province
King Huìwén of Zhào赵惠文王Gullible King of Zhao from 298-266 BCE
Kingdom of Qín秦国The champions of the Warring States Period. They founded a dynasty
Lìn Xiāngrú蔺相如Loyal and capable official to the Zhao king
Shuāngmù Lín双木林"Double Tree" Lin (林), the most common surname with the L-i-n pinyin spelling
Shānxī山西Shanxi Province
Shǎnxi陕西Confusing next-door province to Shanxi, differentiated by being spelled Shaanxi.
Shǐ Jì史记Records of the Grand Historian
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Son of Sima Tan. They co-authored the Records of the Grand Historian
Sīmǎ Xiāngrú司马相如Great poet and scholar-official of the Han
Wánfinish or complete
Wán Bì Guī Zhào完璧归赵To return the complete Jade to Zhao
Wèinán渭南City along the Yellow River
Xiányáng咸阳Present day Xian, the capital during the Qin Dynasty (and a few more dynasties after that too.
YíngThe Clan who ruled the Qin State
Zhào赵国Zhou Era state and major contender during the Warring States Period
Zhèngzhōu郑州City along the Yellow River, also the capital of Henan Province
Zhāoxiāng秦昭襄王Wily king of Qin 325 to 250 BCE

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S3E02 | So Sorry | 负荆请罪


S2E10 | You Smell That? | 不知肉味