S3E02 | So Sorry | 负荆请罪


Saying: “Carry brambles on your back to seek forgiveness”
Pinyin: Fù Jīng Qǐng Zuì
Chinese: 负荆请罪


We continue on with another story featuring the great statesman from the Warring States period, Lin Xiangru. After becoming a hero last episode for returning the He Shi Bi Jade back to Zhao, Lin rose high in the government. But the mighty general Lian Po wasn’t satisfied to play second fiddle and was determined to put Lin Xiangru in his place.  He should have known better and learned a great lesson.

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Terms in Episode

Changping长平Site of a great battle in 260 BCE that saw the destruction of the Zhao army and the victory of Qin
Carry something on your back or shoulder or to bear a burden or responsibility
Fù Jīng Qǐng Zuì负荆请罪Carry brambles on your back to seek forgiveness
Fùjīng负荆Thorns or brambles carried on the back
Handan邯郸Capital of the ancient Zhao state
Hebei河北Northern province in China
Hé Shìbì和氏璧Ancient piece of jade with a long story. Later turned into the imperial seal of Qin Shihuang
JīngA kind of tree but it's short for Jīngjí (荆棘) which means thorns or brambles
King Zhāoxiāng of Qin亲照相Pugnacious king of Qin 325 to 250 BCE
Lián Pō廉颇One of the greatest of the Warring States generals
Lián Pō Lìn Xiāngrú Lièzhuàn廉颇蔺相如列传The biography of Lián Pō and Lìn Xiāngrú
Lìn Xiāngrú蔺相如Loyal and capable official to the Zhao king
Qin State秦国The champions of the Warring States Period. They founded a dynasty
QǐngTo request or to ask
Shǐjì史记Records of the Grand Historian
Sima Qian司马迁Along with father Sima Tan, co-author of the Records of the Grand Historian
State of Zhao赵国One of the seven Warring States of the Zhou era
Wán Bì Guī Zhào完璧归赵To return the complete Jade to Zhao
Zhou Dynasty周朝Bronze Age dynasty that ran from 1046 - 256 BCE
zuìCrime or guilt

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S3E03 | Go for Broke | 破釜沉舟


S3E01 | True to His Word | 完璧归赵