S1E09 | Payback | 感恩图报


Saying: “To repay a kindness”
Pinyin: Gǎn Ēn Tú Bào
Chinese: 感恩图报


Laszlo serves up yet another classic Chinese proverb! This time we look at an ancient story that teaches us when someone does you a favor…don’t forget to show your gratitude by paying them back one day. 

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Terms in Episode

Bàoto pay back or reciprocate
Chūnqiú春秋Spring and Autumn era of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
Gǎnthankful, to thank or to appreciate
Gǎn Ēn感恩Appreciate or be thankful for the kindness, appreciate the favor
Gǎn Ēn Jié感恩节Thanksgiving holiday
Gǎn Ēn Tú Bào感恩图报To Repay a Kindness
Luòyáng洛阳Ancient capital of China, located in Henan
Lǎozǐ老子Ancient philosopher and Daoism founder
Shǐ Jì史记the Records of the Grand Historian
Sīmǎ Qiān司马迁Great Historian from the Han Dynasty, wrote the Shi Ji
Sūnzǐ孙子Sun Tzu, writer of the Art of War
to intend to do something, to plan to
Tú Bào图报to intend to reciprocate or pay back…
Wú State吴国Ancient Zhou Dynasty state around Zhejiang-Jiangsu
Wǔ and Wú武 / 吴Third tone Wǔ and second tone Wú
Wǔ Zǐxū伍子胥Great Wu era general and paragon of loyalty
Zhèng郑国State during the Zhou Dynasty
Zhèng Dìng Gōng郑定公King Ding of Zheng reigned 529-514 BCE
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Ancient Dynasty of China
Ēngrace, kindness, a favor or help

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