S1E10 | Betting the Bank | 孤注一掷


Saying: “To bet it all on one throw of the dice”
Pinyin: Gū Zhù Yī Zhì
Chinese: 孤注一掷


In this last episode of the first season of the Chinese Sayings Podcast, Laszlo explains the story behind the loyal official who wagered a dynasty on a single bet.

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Terms in Episode

Chányuān澶渊A town about a hundred miles north of Kaifeng
Chányuān Zhī Méng澶渊之盟A treaty that brought relative peace between Liao and Song….at a high price
Chén Yáosǒu陈尧叟High ranking official during Northern Song
Chéngyǔ Yánjiū Zhōngxīn成语研究中心The Chengyu Research Center
alone, solitary
Gū Zhù Yī Zhì孤注一掷To bet it all on one throw of the dice
Gūzhù孤注a single wager….
Kòu Zhῠn寇准Great chancellor in Chinese history, served 1004-1006
Kāifēng开封Capital of Northern Song, located in Henan
Liáo Dynasty辽朝Khitan Dynasty in north China… 907-1125
Nánjīng南京Capital of Jiangsu province
Qìdān契丹The Khitan People
Sòng Dynasty宋朝Dynasty in China….960-1279
Sòng Shū宋书the Book of Song
Wáng Qīnruò王钦若Song chancellor from 1017-1019
the number one
Yīzhì一掷One throw of the dice
Zhào Kuāngyìn赵匡胤Song Dynasty founder, a.k.a. Sòng Tàizǔ
Zhìto throw (dice)
Zhùthe stakes, as in a gambling wager
Zhēnzōng真宗Third Song Dynasty emperor
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Ancient dynasty that ran BCE 1046-256
Ābǎojī阿保机Great Khitan leader and founder of the Liao Dynasty

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S2E01 | Too Rich for My Blood | 曲高和寡


S1E09 | Payback | 感恩图报