S1E08 | The Hu and the Hu | 狐假虎威


Saying: “The fox borrows the tiger’s might”
Pinyin: Hú Jiǎ Hǔ Wēi
Chinese: 狐假虎威


We’re back to the Warring States period once again to a story that brings us a story that many of us are all too familiar with.

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Terms in Episode

Chengyu成语Chinese Saying or Proverb
Chǔ Xuān Wáng楚宣王The Chu King from 369-340 BCE
Eastern Zhou Dynasty东周The entire Zhou Dynasty ran from 1046-256 BCE. This period divided up by Western Zhou 1046-771 BCE and Eastern Zhou 1046-256 BCE
Hán韩国a Warring State located today in parts of Shanxi and Henan
a fox
Hú Jiǎ狐假A fox borrows….
Hú Jiǎ Hǔ Wēi狐假虎威The fox borrows the Tiger’s Might
Húwēi虎威the might or power of the tiger
a tiger
Jiāng Yǐ江乙Minister to King Xuan of Chu
Jiǎto borrow
Kingdom of Chu楚国A very powerful kingdom in its day. Comprises present day Hubei-Hunan and parts of China stretching from Chongqing to Shanghai
Qin Dynasty秦朝The first dynasty in Imperial Chinese history
Qí State齐国Located in present day Shandong
Wèi魏国Another of the Warring States located in the China heartland areas of Henan, Hebei, Shanxi and Shandong
Wēipower, might, strength, prestige
Zhànguó Cé战国策Strategies of the Warring States…one of the few primary sources of those times
Zhāo Xīxù昭奚恤a feared Chu general during the Warring States period

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S1E09 | Payback | 感恩图报


S1E07 | The Entourage | 鸡鸣狗盗