Ep. 20 | Famous China Teas (Part 2)

We continue on with a tour of the provinces, looking at some of the more renowned teas each place has to offer. Teas such as Dancong, Tieguanyin, Jinjunmei, and Da Hong Pao are introduced. Various teas from Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hubei, and Hunan are discussed.

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Terms in Episode

Oolong (Wūlóng)乌龙茶One of the categories of tea that is partially oxidized
Fújiàn福建Coastal province in China, famous for many things, including tea
Yán chá岩茶Rock Tea or Cliff Tea, from the upper part of the Wuyi Mountains
Wǔyí Mountains武夷山The Wuyi Mountains in northern Fujian Province
Tiěguānyīn铁观音A type of Oolong tea, also called Iron Buddha ot Iron Goddess Tea
Ānxī安溪City in Fujian where you can get some very good Tieguanyin tea
Guǎngdōng广东Coastal province in southern China
Dāncōng单枞茶A type of Ooolong tea from Guangdong province
Fènghuáng Shān凤凰山Phoenix Mountain north of Chaozhou where Dancong tea is grown
Cháozhōu潮州City in eastern Guangdong
Shàntóu汕头City in eastern Guangdong
Hakka客家Hakka, a Han Chinese subgroup whose ancestral homes are chiefly in the Hakka-speaking provincial areas of Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Hainan and Guizhou
Méixiàn梅县County in eastern Guangdong that is often called "The Homeland of the Hakka people"
Guānyīn观音The Goddess of Mercy
Shāxiàn沙县Sha County, outside the city of Sānmíng in Fujian province
Sānmíng三明A prefecture-level city in Fujian
Jīnjùnméi金骏眉Golden Beautiful Eyebrow Tea
Tóngmù Village桐木村Village located in the Wuyi Mountains, where Jinjunmei Tea is grown
yátóu芽头The buds or sprouts
Ròuguì肉桂A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Dà Hóng Páo大红袍茶A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Tǐeluóhàn铁罗汉A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Shǔixiān水仙A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Shǔi Jīn Guī水金龟A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Bái Jī Guān白鸡冠A type of Rock Tea from the Wuyi Mountain region
Sòng宋朝Dynasty in China founded by Zhao Kuangyin that lasted 960-1279
Míng明朝Dynasty in China founded by Zhu Yuanzhang that lasted 1368-1644
Qiánlóng乾隆Qing emperor who reigned 1736-1795
Lǐ Chūnshēng李春生1838-1924, Called the Father of Taiwan's tea industry
Guìzhōu贵州Province in the western part of China
Dūyún Máojiān都匀毛尖Famous tea from Guizhou
Dūyún都匀City in Guizhou located two hours by car west of the capital Guìyáng
Máojiān毛尖any tea that consists of a bud and a single leaf only, also called "fur tip"
Yúgōu Chá鱼钩茶Former name of Duyun Maojian tea
Guìdìng Yúnwù cháAnother famous tea from Guizhou
Méitán Cuìyá湄潭翠芽Guizhou Emerald Tips, a kind of tea from Guizhou
Yúnwù云雾clouds and fog or clouds and mist
Guǎngxī广西Province in China just west of Guangdong
Liùbǎo chá六堡茶One of the famous teas of Guangxi
wòduī涡堆A kind of process developed to speed up the ripening process of pu-erh tea
Guìpíng桂平City in Guangxi province
Hóng Xiùquán洪秀全1814-1864, the one who's to blame for the Taiping Rebellion
Guìpíng Xīshān桂平西山茶A type of tea from Guangxi province
Wú Lǐzhēn吴理真Buddhist Monk credited with the cultivation of tea on Mengding Shan. He lived during the first century BCE
Xǐshí Ān洗石庵Temple in Guìpíng, Guangxi province built during the early Qīng where Guìpíng Xīshān tea is grown
Sìchuān四川Province in southwest China
Gānlù Tea甘露茶Gānlù Tea because it was cultivated during the Gānlù Era… one of the seven eras of the Han Emperor Xuān
biānchá边茶Border tea. Tea that is sold to the border regions of China, including Tibet
Chéngdū成都Capital of Sichuan province
Rénmín Gongyuan人民公园A public park in the city of Chengdu where you can relax and enjoy some decent tea culture
Cháng zuǐ hú长嘴壶A long spout tea kettle, usually made from copper
Dòuhuāzhuāng老四川豆花莊Not sure if it's still around but Lao Sichuan Douhuazhuang was (is) a famous restaurant serving Sichuan food
Chóngqìng重庆Used to be part of Sichuan province. Now it is a municipality reporting directly to the central government
Zhèjiāng浙江Coastal province in China
Jiāngsū江苏Coastal province in China north of Zhejiang
Ānhuī安徽Province in central China
yuántóu源头The fountainhead
Chámǎ Gǔdào茶马古道The Ancient Tea-Horse Road
The former name of tea before it was renamed cha
Yángzǐ扬子江The Yangzi or Yangtze River. China's longest river
Méngdǐng shān Xuěyá蒙顶山雪芽Mt. Méngdǐng Snow Buds. Xuěyá means snow bud
Méngdǐng Gān Lù蒙顶山甘露茶Méngdǐng Sweet Dew, one of Sichuan's most famous teas
Zhúyèqīng竹叶青茶Bamboo Green tea from Sichuan
Qīngchéng Shān Snow Bud青城雪芽茶Another great tea of Sichuan
É’méi Shān Máofēng峨眉山毛峰茶Another great tea of Sichuan from the Mount E'Mei area
É’Méi Shān Bái Yá峨眉山白芽Another great tea of Sichuan from the Mount E'Mei area
Bái yá白芽White bud
Lù Yǔ陆羽The Tea Saint, and author of the Classic of Tea. He lived 733-804
Bìluóchūn碧螺春Green Snail Spring tea from Jiangsu province
Lake Tài太湖Famous lake in China, located in Jiangsu. Many famous cities are located along its shores: Wuxi, Huzhou and Suzhou to name a few
Kāngxī康熙帝Qing emperor who reigned 1661-1722
Lóngjǐng龙井Longjing, both a village near Hangzhou and the name of the tea grown there. Called Dragon Well tea
Lù’ān Guāpiàn卢安瓜片Melon Seed tea from Anhui province
Jiāngxī江西Province just west of Fujian and Zhejiang
Wùyuán Míng Méi婺源茗眉茶Famous tea from Jiangxi
Jǐngdézhèn景德镇City in Jiangxi renowned for their historic kilns and ceramics history
Huángshān黄山Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province
Wùyuán County婺源县County in Jiangxi province
Tàipíng Hóukuí太平猴魁A green tea grown north of Huangshan in Anhui, a favorite of President Putin I read
Lúshān Yúnwù庐山云雾茶Lúshān Cloud and Mist
Jiǔjiāng九江City in Jiangxi province
Lake Póyáng鄱阳湖Lake in Jiangxi province
Zhū Dé朱德1886-1976, great Chinese revolutionary and founder of the PLA
Lúshān yúnwù chá, wèi nóng xìng pōlà, ruò dé chángshí yǐn, yánnián yìshòu fǎ庐山云雾茶,味浓性泼辣,若得长时饮,延年益寿法The flavor of Lúshān yúnwù tea is strong and intense. If you drink it for long it is a way to attain longevity
Húběi湖北Province in central China north of Hunan
Húnán湖南Province in central China south of Hubei
Yíchāng宜昌City in Hubei
Jīngmén荆门City in Hubei
Yuán’ān County远安县County in Hubei province
Yuǎn’ān Lù Yuà远安鹿苑茶Yuǎn'ān is the name of the county in Hubei and Lùyuán is the name of a temple there
Ēn’shī Yù Lù恩施玉露茶This comes from south of Yíchāng at the bottom of Hubei
Jūnshān Yīnzhēn Tea君山银针茶A famous tea from Hunan
Báiháo Yīnzhēn白毫银针茶Famous white tea from Fujian province
Dòngtíng Hú洞庭湖Lake in northern Hunan at the border with Hubei
Shén Nóng神农The Divine Farmer, the mythical discoverer of tea and author of The Classic of Herbal Medicine
Táng Tàizōng唐太宗One of the co-founders of the Tang dynasty who reigned 626-649
Yīpiàn shùyè de gùshì一片树叶的故事The Story of a Leaf, a very good documentary about tea from the folks at CCTV



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Ep. 21 | Series Recap and Announcements!


Ep. 19 | Famous China Teas (Part 1)