S3E05 | He Sure Had a Lot of Gall | 卧薪尝胆


Saying: “To lie on firewood and taste bile”
Pinyin: Wò Xīn Cháng Dǎn
Chinese: 卧薪尝胆


Welcome to the midway point of Season 3 of the Chinese Sayings Podcast. China History Podcast fans will all know this story from which our Chengyu was derived. These are the early years of the Warring States period. Kings Goujian of Yue State and Fuchai of Wu were slugging it out down in Central China.

From this epic struggle between these two neighboring rivals came one of the great stories from ancient Chinese history that has been told and re-told throughout the centuries.

Let’s hear it one more time in this episode and learn what’s up with “lying on brushwood and tasting bile.”

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Terms in Episode

Battle of Zuìlǐ槜李之战The Battle of Zuili
Chángto taste something ...to try some food out
Cháng dǎn尝胆to taste bile
Chǔ楚国The Chu State down in Central China
Dǎngall bladder or in this case the bile from the gall bladder
Huái River淮河One of the major rivers of China
Hàojīng镐京Ancient capital of Zhou,
Hán Gōu汗垢The Han Canal, forerunner to the Grand Canal
Jiāngsū江苏Zhejiang's neighbor to the west and north
Jìn晋国The Jin State around present-day Shanxi
King Fúchāi夫差王Son of Helü, king of Wu
King Gōujiàn勾践王King of Yue
King Hélú阖闾王Father of Fuchai, King of the Wu State
Luòyáng洛阳Ancient "Eastern" capital of a few dynasties, located in Henan, "where China began"
Qín秦朝The Qin Dynasty
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The first emperor of imperial China
Shànghǎi上海Where the Yangzi empties out into the East China Sea
Sì Dà Měi Nü四大美女The Four Beauties of Ancient China
Sūn Wǔ孙吴Sun Tzu's name
Sūnzǐ Bīngfǎ孙子兵法The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Sūzhōu苏州Ancient city in Jiangsu Province
to lie....as in to lie on something, to lie down
Wò xīn卧薪to lie on firewood
Wò Xīn Cháng Dǎn卧薪尝胆To lie on firewood and taste bile
Wú State吴国The State of Wu
Wǔhàn武汉The historic "Tri-Cities" of Hubei Province
Xī Shī西施A charming beauty from Yue sent to Wu as a ploy by Goujian to distract Fuchai
Yuè越国The Yue State
Yángzǐ扬子江Longest river in china
Zhèjiāng浙江East Coast province in China
Zhōu Dynasty周朝Ancient dynasty 1046 - 221 BCE

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S3E06 | Seeing is Believing | 百闻不如一见


S3E04 | A Man of Great Ambition | 鸿鹄之志