S2E05 | A Man of Great Inability | 滥竽充数


Saying: “To indiscriminately choose a Yu player to fill out the orchestra”
Pinyin: Làn Yú Chōng Shù
Chinese: 滥竽充数


Everybody knows of someone who can be described by this Chinese Saying.

In this week’s musical Chinese Saying we look at the lazy poser Mr. Nanguo and his brief career as a Yu player in an all-Yu Orchestra and the wonderful story that gave us a nice useful saying.

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Terms in Episode

Chōngsufficient, full, to pretend or pose as something
chōng nèiháng充内行to pretend to be an expert
chōng shù充数to make up the necessary number required….
Fùxìng复姓two character surnames
Hán Fēi韩非子Master Han Fei, philosopher and father of Legalism
King Mǐn (Qí Mǐn Wáng)齐泯王Last king of Qi, reigned from 300-284 BCE
King of Qí (Qí Xuān Wáng)齐宣王King of the Qi State, reigned 319 to 301 BCE
Lànto overflow, excessive, indiscriminate
làn yú滥竽a Yú player indiscriminately chosen
Làn Yú Chōng Shù滥竽充数To indiscriminately choose a Yu player to fill out the orchestra
Línzī临淄Ancient capital of Qi
Mr. Nánguō南郭先生The star of our episode…a man of great inability
Mèngzǐ孟子Mencius, one of the great philosophers
Nèi chǔ shuō shàng内储说书The section of the Han Feizi from which our Chinese Saying sprang forth
Qín Shǐhuáng秦始皇The First Emperor and Qin Dynasty founder
shùnumber or amount
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in the north
Yuán Mù Qiú Yú缘木求鱼to climb a tree to catch a fish from Season 1
a kind of ancient Chinese woodwind instrument with multiple bamboo pipes all attached together
Zībó淄博City in Shandong where Linzi was located

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S2E06 | I Love You Man! | 高山流水


S2E04 | Surrounded! | 四面楚歌