Ep. 357 | The History of Singapore (Part 9)

In its hour of need, quite a few leaders rose to the occasion in Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew didn't transform the nation by himself. Last time we saw how S. Rajaratnam carried the flag around the world and advanced Singapore diplomatically. In this episode, I'll also introduce Dutch economist Dr. Albert Winsemius and his good advice. Winsemius suggested a number of priorities for Singapore to gain some economic traction. The man who had to make these ideas happen in real life was Dr. Goh Keng Swee. We'll look at Dr. Goh's life and contribution to Singapore's first decades as a country. He served in several ministries of the government and made profound changes wherever he served. We'll close out the episode with the retirement of the first generation of Singapore leaders. We'll conclude the series next time in Part 10 where we'll take things up to our day.

Thanks to all of you who have kindly supported me by signing up for my Patreon. All ten episodes are already available there. You have my deepest appreciation. https://www.patreon.com/c/TheChinaHistoryPodcast

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Ep. 358 | The History of Singapore (Part 10)


Ep. 356 | The History of Singapore (Part 8)