Ep. 291 | The History of Hainan (Part 2)

This is the second part of a brief overview of Hainan history with special guest Professor Jeremy Murray. In this episode, Laszlo and Dr. Murray discuss Hainan history during the Qing, Republican, and PRC eras with some discussion of Hainanese culture.

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Hǎinán海南Island province off the coast of Guangdong
Míng Dynasty明朝Dynasty than ran 1368-1644
Qīng Dynasty清朝Dynasty than ran 1644-1911
Lí People黎族The Li ethnic group (who inhabit parts of Guangdong and Hainan),also referred to as the Hlai people
Teochew潮州人The city and the people who come from the region of Chaoshan (Chaozhou-Shantou plus Jieyang)
Hakka客家人The Hakka People
Hokkien福建人Fujianese primarily from the southern part of the province
Cantonese广州人People from the Guangzhou area
Peranakan峇峇娘惹Known as the Bābā Niángrě, an ethnic group of Chinese residing in the Malay Peninsula (also known as Straits Chinese)
Wénchāng文昌Major city on the northeast coast of Hainan
Qiónghǎi琼海Another major city on the northeast coast of Hainan
Wànníng万宁Major city located on the southeast coast of Hainan
Hǎi Ruì海瑞1514-1587, Hainan-born honest and upright Ming Dynasty official
Charlie Soong (Sòng Jiāshù) 宋嘉树1861-1918, Chinese businessman who first achieved prominence as a publisher in Shanghai. Close ally of Sun Yat-sen. His children were Song Ailing, Song Qingling, Song Meiling and TV Soong
Sòng Qìngling宋庆龄1893-1981, wife of Sun Yat-sen and a major political figure in early PRC history
Ngiam Tong Boon嚴崇文Raffles Hotel barman who invented the Singapore Sling
Zhèng Xīnpíng鄭心平Hainan-born founder of The Central Group and the patriarch of the Chirathivat Family
Lin Wenying林文英A major figure on Hainan during the Xin Hai Revolution. Also a close Sun Yat-sen ally and major fundraiser for the KMT
Lóng Jìguāng 龙济光1867-1925, Ethnic Hani Chinese general of the late Qing and early Republican period of China.
Duàn Qíruì段祺瑞1864-1936, Commander of the Beiyang Army under Yuan Shikai, then politician and powerful warlord as head of the Anhui Clique
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Beiyang Army head and would-be emperor of China. Called "The First Warlord"
Féng Báijū冯白驹1903–1973, Chief leader of the Hainan Independent Column of Chinese Communist fighters on Hainan Island. Leading this column fighting against the Nationalists and the Japanese.
Lǐ Shuòxūn李硕勋1903-1931, famous CCP martyr and early CCP cadre in Hainan. Also the father of Premier Li Peng
Zhōu Ēnlái周恩来1898-1976, Revolutionary, Politician, Diplomat, Premier of the PRC from founding until his passing.
Dèng Yǐngchào邓颖超1904-1992, another great revolutionary and politician. Also wife of Zhou Enlai
Lǐ Péng李鹏1928-2019, Premier of China from 1988-1998
Wǔ Gōng Cí五公祠The Temple of the Five Lords
Yúlín榆林海军基地A naval base for nuclear submarines along the southern coast of Hainan
Sānyà三亚Historic resort city at the southern tip of Hainan
Èrshísānniánhóngqíbùdào二十三年红旗不倒The Red Flag never fell (in Hainan)
Báishā Uprising白沙起义An uprising in August 1943 in Baisha, Hainan led by ethnic Li leaders Wang Yujin and Wang Yujin
Wang GuoxingA Li chief who led the Baisha uprising,
Chén Jìtáng陈济棠1890-1954, KMT general, warlord and on-again off-again ally of Chiang Kai-shek. A major military and political force in Guangdong Province
Chen Hanguang陈汉光1888-1943, KMT general who fought under Chen Jitang in supressing the Communists on Hainan
Xuē Yuè薛岳1896-1998, Nationalist general nicknamed as "The Patton of Asia" by Claire Chennault
Hóngsè Niángzi Jūn红色娘子军The Red Detachment of Women, an revolutionary opera that premiered in 1964 that commemmorated a group of women fighters in Hainan during the 1940's
Xiè Jìn谢晋Great Chinese filmmaker, made a movie of the Red Detachment of Women
Hong Changqing洪常青Fictional character from the Red Detachment of Women, the commisar who led the unit
Wu Qinghua (also Qionghua)吴琼花Daughter of a peasant who went on to serve in the Red Detachment, later rising to Commisar
Xí Zhòngxūn习仲勋Great Chinese revolutionary who served the party in many roles, including the launching of the first Special Economic Zones in China. Father of current Party Boss Xi Jinping
Sū Shì苏轼1037-1101, one of the all-time greats from Chinese literature. An official serving during the Northern Song
Tànqīn探亲To go visit relatives back in the ancestral home
Hǎinán Jīfàn海南鸡饭Hainanese Chicken Rice
Wénchāng Jīfàn文昌鸡饭An alternative same for Hainan Chicken Rice since the dish was supposed to have been created there
Kāfēidiàn咖啡店A coffee shop or "Kopitiam" as they are called in Malay


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Ep. 292 | Olive Yang


Ep. 290 | The History of Hainan (Part 1)