Ep. 234 | The Warlord Era (Part 4)

In this Part 4 of our Warlord series, the story continues with the splintering of the Beiyang Army and government into the factions of cliques who will battle each other for supremacy. Hubei warlord Wang Zhanyuan will be examined as one of the textbook examples of how these generals evolved into warlords. Zhili Clique leaders Cao Kun and Wu Peifu will also be introduced.

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Terms in Episode

Ānfú Club安福俱乐部The political wing of the Anhui Clique
Běiyáng北洋Literally "North Ocean Army." This army served as the centerpiece of the Qing Dynasty's military modernization efforts.
Cáo Kūn曹锟1862-1938, Succeeded Feng Guozhang as head of the Zhili Clique, also former president of China
Duàn Qíruì段祺瑞1865-1936. Warlord and China politician. Also served as premier. Originally from Hefei, Anhui, he headed the Anhui Clique
Dà Yuán Shuài大元帅generalissimo or grand marshal
dūjūn督军provincial military governors
Féng Guózhāng冯国璋General and politician during the Republic of China. Lived from 1859-1919
Guǎngxī广西省Province in south central China, west of Guangdong
Guǎngzhōu广州Capital of Guangdong Province and major city in modern Chinese history (and ancient China too)
Huái Army淮军Named after China's Huai River. Also called the Anhui Army. It was led by Li Hongzhang and later became part of the New Army and later, the Beiyang Army
Hóngxiàn Emperor洪宪The regnal name of Yuan Shikai during his short-lived bid to become emperor
Hùfǎ Yùndòng护法运动Movement to Protect the Constitution
Húběi湖北省Province in central China
Húnán湖南省Province in central China, just south of Hubei
Luòyáng洛阳Former ancient capital of several dynasties. Located in historic Henan Province
Lí Yuánhóng黎元洪Lived 1864-1928, president of the ROC 1916-1917 and 1922-23
Lǐ Hóngzhāng李鸿章1823-1901, Qing era general, diplomat and politician
Pénglái蓬莱City in Shandong, also home of Qī Jìguāng, featured not too long ago in CHP-230
Pǔyí溥仪The Last Emperor of China. Lived from 1906-1967
Qiānggǎnzi lǐmiàn chū zhèngquán枪杆子里面出政权Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, as said by Mao Zedong in 1927 and later in 1938
Qīng清朝China's last imperial dynasty, lasted 1644-1911
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in north China
Sūn Chuánfāng孙传芳1885-1935, Known as The Nanking Warlord. One of the major warlords of the era
Tianjin Military Academy天津军校Military Academy founded by Li Hongzhang
Tiānjìn天津Municipality in north China not far from Beijing
Wáng Zhànyuán王占元1861-1934, Chinese general and warlord of Hubei province
Wú Pèifú吴佩孚1874-1939, one of the major warlords of the Warlord Era
Wǎn Xì皖系Ānhuī Clique
Wǔchāng武昌City in Hubei, one of the three municipalities that makes up Wuhan
Wǔhàn武汉City in Hubei made up of Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang
clique or faction
Yuán Shìkǎi袁世凯1859-1916, Military and government official and first president of the Republic of China. Also called "The First Warlord"
Yíchāng宜昌Major city in Hubei, second largest after Wuhan
Zhí Xì直系Zhílì Clique
Zhílì province直隶省Former name of Hebei province
Zhílì Ānhuī War直皖战争July 14-23, 1920, war between Zhili and Anhui Cliques for control of the Beiyang government
Zhāng Xūn张勋1854-1923, Qing loyalist general who attempted to restore the abdicated emperor Puyi in the Manchu Restoration of 1917. He also supported Yuan Shikai during his time as president
Zhāng Zuòlín张作霖1875-1928, The Manchurian Warlord, another major warlord in his day



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Ep. 235 | The Warlord Era (Part 5)


Ep. 233 | The Warlord Era (Part 3)