Ep. 161 | Zhou Enlai (Part 1)

In today’s Part 1 episode Laszlo explores the early life of Zhou Enlai, growing up in a traditional scholar-officials family that had seen better days. Zhou gets passed from relative to relative. But each step of the way there were mentors and breaks that he was able to make the most of.

We can see through his early years and into his teens how Zhou was perfectly trained and tested for the larger job that lay ahead.

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Beijing Lu北京路Beijing Road
bofu伯父Uncle (elder brother of father)
Chen Duxiu陈独秀Communist Party co-founder and writer
Chen Jiongming陈炯明Landlord in Guangdong, the target of the Eastern Campaign
Chi Guang赤光Red Light, the journal printed in France
Deng Xiaoping邓小平Featured in CHP episodes 63-70
Deng Yingchao邓颖超Among other accomplishments, wife of Zhou Enlai
didi弟弟Younger brother
ganma干妈Adoptive mother
Gemingjun革命军Revolutionary Army, Zou Rong’s great work
Guofu国父The Father of the Country (Sun Yat-sen)
Guomintang国民党The KMT or Kuomintang
Hua Guofeng华国锋Succeeded Mao in 1976 as Chairman of the Party
Huái’ān淮安City in northern Jiangsu province
Jiang-Zhou’s nurse who took care of him
Jiangsu江苏Province just north of Zhejiang
Jing Ye敬业Respect Work, Zhou Enlai’s first journal
Juewushe觉悟社Awakening Society
Jung Chang张荣British Chinese author famous for her critical biography of Mao Zedong and her book Wild Swans
Kang Youwei康有为Reformer in the late 19th century
Lady Chen陈氏Zhou’s 养母 or adoptive mother
Li Dazhao李大钊CCP co-founder and librarian at Peking U
Li Fuchun李富春Longtime party leader, chairman of State Planning Commission
Liang Qichao梁启超Student of Kang Youwei who participated in the 100 Days of Reform
Lin Biao林彪Great military leader, later Mao’s successor but not for long
Liu Qingyang刘清扬Early Communist Party member
Liu Shaoqi刘少奇One-time top Chinese leader, hounded to death during the Cultural Revolution
Nankai Middle School天津南开中学Middle School attended by Zhou
Nie Rongzhen聂荣臻Great military leader and called Father of China’s Atomic Bomb
Shaoxing绍兴Historic city in Zhejiang, just west of Shanghai
shushu叔叔Uncle (younger brother of father)
Song Meiling宋美龄Madame Chiang Kai-shek
Taiping Guan太平馆Restaurant in Guangzhou where Zhou and Deng Yingchao had a wedding reception.
Tianjin天津City in the north, just east of Beijing
Tianjin Xuesheng Lianhe Huibao天津学生联合会包Tianjin Student Union
waigong外公grandfather (father of one’s mother)
Wan Dong’er万冬儿Zhou Enlai’s natural mother
Wang Hongwen王洪文One of the Gang of Four and Mao’s appointed successor but not for long
Whampoa Military Academy陆军官校Funded and established by Soviets to train Chinese officers
Xiao Feng校风School Wind School newspaper of Nankai
Xin Qingnian新青年Chen Duxiu’s New Youth Magazine
Yan Xiu严修Co-founder of Nankai Middle School
Yang Zhen-Deng Yingchao’s mother
Ye Jianying叶剑英Great military man and CCP stalwart
Zhang Boling張伯苓Co-founder and president of Nankai
Zhang Shenfu张申府Married to Liu Qingyang, another early Party operative
Zhongshan Gunboat Incident中山舰事件March 20, 1926, an incident that provoked a crackdown by Chiang Kai-shek against left leaning elements in the KMT as all Communists.
Zhou Enlai周恩来1898-1976
Zhou Enlai周总理Premier Zhou
Zhou Panlong周攀龙Zhou Enlai’s paternal grandfather
Zhou Yigan周贻淦Zhou’s uncle (younger brother of father)
Zhou Yigeng-Uncle of Zhou Enlai who got led him to Tianjin
Zhou Yineng周貽能Zhou Enlai’s father
Zhou Yiqian周贻谦Zhou’s uncle (elder brother of father)
Zhu De朱德Red Army founder, great military leader
Zou Rong邹容Early revolutionary writer

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Ep. 162 | Zhou Enlai (Part 2)


Ep. 160 | Jack Jones and the Friend’s Ambulance Unit Convoy