Ep. 285 | The L.A. Chinatown Massacre
On October 24th, 1871 the Los Angeles Chinatown Massacre took place near the present-day location of Union Station, just north of the core downtown L.A. area.

Ep. 265 | The History of the Thai Chinese (Part 7)
In this concluding episode of our Thai-Chinese overview, we wind things down with events that happened during and after WWII and go over Thailand’s role in the region as a modern economic powerhouse.

Ep. 257 | Emily “Mickey” Hahn
Emily Mickey Hahn was a woman whose writings from her years in China from 1935-1943 were essential reading for those hungry to learn about China during a time when the world was becoming smaller and more dangerous.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 7)
In this episode, we finish off the 1972 visit of Richard Nixon to the PRC. The series finale looks at the exciting meeting between the two leaders, Nixon and Mao, and relive “the week that changed the world.”

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 6)
In Part 6 of this CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, Nixon lands in Beijing and has that magic moment with Zhou Enlai at the steps of Air Force One.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 5)
The drama continues in this Part 5 episode as Kissinger is briefing Nixon on his secret visit in July 1971. However, not everything was nailed down in this one single visit. It would take another trip in October to get all the negotiations and preparations taken care of.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 4)
In Part 4 of this special CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, we see how the talks in Beijing went between two very smooth operators: Zhou Enlai and Henry A. Kissinger.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 3)
Things are really heating up as we start Part 3 of this special 10-Year Anniversary special program. In this episode, we re-live the drama of ping-pong diplomacy and breakthrough in the talks between the US and China.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 2)
Thanks for coming back to Part 2 of this special CHP 10-Year Special Series. In this episode, the focus is in 1969-1970 with the US and PRC sending signals through their mutual Pakistani, French, and Romanian friends.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 1)
Welcome to a very special 10-Year Anniversary Series, where we examine U.S.-China Relations during the years 1969-1972. In Part 1 this time we’ll get an overview of just how bad US and PRC relations were between 1949 to 1969.

Ep. 215 | V.K. Wellington Koo (Part 2)
In this longer than expected Part 2 episode, we look at Wellington Koo’s role in the Paris Peace Conference and all the drama that surrounded this historic event from one hundred years ago.

Ep. 205 | Ing “Doc” Hay, Lung On, and the Kam Wah Chung
This is the story of Ing “Doc” Hay and his closest friend and business partner Long On, two Toi Son immigrants who built their American dream on the frontier.

Ep. 194 | The History of Toi San and U.S. Immigration
In this episode, Laszlo looks at U.S. Immigration during the days of Chinese Exclusion. The subject will be examined through the eyes of three extraordinary brothers from Haiyang Village in Toi San.

Ep. 193 | Whitey Smith and Early Shanghai Jazz
Whitey Smith found fame amongst the one percent who were regulars at all the glitzy hotel ballrooms, dance halls, clubs, and dives of 1920s and 1930’s Shanghai. Today we take a closer look at his story.

Ep. 173 | The Tong Wars of New York Chinatown (Part 3)
Laszlo offers up the exciting conclusion to the China History Podcast’s 3-part series introducing the Tong Wars of New York’s Chinatown.

Ep. 172 | The Tong Wars of New York Chinatown (Part 2)
In this Part 2 episode, the Tong Wars begin in earnest. Please join us as Laszlo takes a deep dive into the First and Second Tong Wars.

Ep. 171 | The Tong Wars of New York Chinatown (Part 1)
In this oft-requested episode, Laszlo overviews the Tong Wars of New York’s Chinatown. With the help of Scott Seligman’s latest book, Tong Wars, The Untold Story of Vice, Money, and Murder in New York’s Chinatown, we go back to late 19th – early 20th century America and focus on New York’s Chinatown.

Ep. 168 | Zhou Enlai (Part 8)
In this bonus one-hour+ episode we look at the last six years of Zhou Enlai’s life. In between doing great things for China and guiding the country’s general well-being, he was forced to play a central role in some of the worst internecine politics in CCP history.

Ep. 167 | Zhou Enlai (Part 7)
In this longer than expected 7th episode of our Zhou Enlai series, the Cultural Revolution gets underway, something that Zhou will have to deal with until his dying day.

Ep. 166 | Zhou Enlai (Part 6)
In Part 6 of our Zhou Enlai series, we look at the second half of the 1950s. Zhou was as busy as ever, setting up the government, handling foreign relations, and dealing with Chairman Mao.