Ep. 152 | The Flying Tigers (Part 2)

Laszlo finishes off our overview of the story of the Flying Tigers in World War II. In this episode, the battle commences on December 20, 1941. From that point forward until the organization was disbanded on July 4, 1942, the Flying Tigers wrote their name into the history books.

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Terms in Episode

Chen Xiangmei陈香梅Anna Chennault, 2nd wife of Claire Chennault
Fan Jianchuan樊建川Chengdu real estate mogul, founder of the museum complex
Fei Hu飞虎The Flying Tigers
Guilin桂林City in Guangxi
Hangkong Weiyuanhui航空委员会The Aviation Committee
Hengyang衡阳City in Hunan
Jianchuan Museum飞虎奇兵馆The Flying Tigers Museum
Kunming昆明Capital of Yunnan
Nu Jiang怒江The Salween River separating Yunnan from Burma
Song Meiling宋美龄Soong Mei-ling, Madame Chiang Kai-shek
T.V. Soong宋子文T.V. Soong, brother of Song Meiling
Yangren laihua zhuzhan, junmin yiti jiuhu洋人来华助战,军民一体救护 (洋人來華助戰,軍民一體救護)This foreigner has come to China to help in the war. Soldiers and civilians, one and all, should rescue and protect him
Yunnan云南Province in Southwestern China
Zhongguo Laobaixing中国老百姓The Chinese People



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Ep. 153 | The History of Opium in China


Ep. 151 | The Flying Tigers (Part 1)