Ep. 129 | The Incident at Xuanwu Gate

In this episode, we revisit the founding of the Tang Dynasty and focus on the events leading up to, during, and right after the Incident at Xuanwu Gate. This slice of historic theater took place on July 2, 626. It resulted in the victory of Li Shimin over his two brothers. Not long afterward Li Shimin was promoted by his father to the emperorship and reigned as Tang Taizong.

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Terms in Episode

Bazhuguo八柱国The Eight Pillars of the Western Wei
Chang’an长安Ancient capital of the Tang and other dynasties. Located in present day Xian
Chen Shuda陈叔达Ally of Tang Taizong, later became his chancellor
Daixian代县Located in present day Shanxi province
Dou Jiande窦建德Sui rebel general and enemy of the Tang
Du Ruhui杜如晦Chancellor during the reign of Taizong, one of the best it’s said
Fang Xuanling房玄龄Served together Du Ruhui (see below) as chancellor
Gao Shilian高士廉Uncle of Taizong’s wife (Lady Dou), also a high ranking official during his reign
Gengshen庚申A day in the Chinese calendar
Jiangdu江都District of Yangzhou
Jiangsu江苏Rich province in eastern China
Li Hu李虎Grandfather of Li Yuan
Li Jiancheng李建成The Crown Prince also known as the Duke of Longxi
Li Mi李密One of the major rebel generals who helped bring down the Sui
Li Shimin李世民Known as The emperor Tang Taizong 唐太宗, as well as the Prince of Qin and the Duke of Dunhuang
Li Song李嵩Founder of the Western Liang (西凉)
Li Tianxi李天锡Father of Li Hu
Li Xi李熙Grandfather of Li Hu
Li Yuan李渊Known as the emperor Tang Gaozu 唐高祖
Li Yuanji李元吉Youngest son of Li Yuan, also known as the Prince of Qi
Li Zhiyun李志云Son of Li Yuan from one of his concubines
Liu Bang刘邦Founder of the Han Dynasty (Han Gaozu 汉高祖)
Liu Heita刘黑闼Sui rebel general, served under Li Mi and Wang Shichong (see below)
Longxi陇西Place in easternmost Gansu Province
Nanbei Chao南北朝The Southern & Northern Dynasty Period
Niangzijun娘子军The Army of Women, let by the Princess Pingyang
Ouyang Xiu欧阳修Song dynasty official and all-around universal man featured in CHP-071
Pei Ji裴寂Official during Sui and Tang Dynaties, served Tang Gaozu and Taizong
Pingyang Gongzhu平阳公主The daughter of Li Yuan, a great military leader
Sima Guang司马光Credited with compiling the The Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government
Sima Qian司马迁Considered China’s greatest ancient historian, writer of the Records of the Grand Historian (the 史记)
Sui Yangdi隋炀帝The Sui Emperor Yang
Taiyuan太原Capital of Shanxi Province and power base of the Li Tang clan
Tang Huiyao唐会要The Institutional History of the Tang, written by Wang Pu
Tang Shu唐书The (Old) Book of Tang
Tong Dian通典The Comprehensive Statutes
Tuoba拓拔Clan name for many Xianbei people. The Tuoba’s founded the Northern Wei Dynasty
Wang Anshi王安石Early Song Dynasty official responsible for instituting some major reforms
Wang Pu王浦Credited with the writing of the Tang Huiyao
Wang Shichong王世充First a Sui general, then helped bring Emperor Yang down. Later defeated the other rebel leader Li Mi (see below)
Wu Zetian武则天Concubine of Tang Taizong, wife of Tang Gaozong and later empresss of China
Wude武德The Era name of the Tang Gaozu emperor
Xiao Yu蕭瑀Ally of Tang Gaozu and Taizong, later a high ranking official
Xin Tang Shu新唐书The New Book of Tang
Xuanwu men zhi biàn玄武门之变The Incident at Xuanwu Gate
Xue Ju薛举One of the major rebel generals who helped bring down the Sui
Yangzhou扬州City in Jiangsu
Yuchi Jingde尉迟敬德Later became the Door God (门神), close ally of Taizong, he fired the arrow that killed Li Yuanji
Yuwen Huaji宇文化及General during the Sui, later led a coup against Emperor Yang and delivered the death blow
Yuwen Tai宇文泰Founder of the Western Wei Dynasty
Zhang Jieyu张婕妤Official during time of Tang Gaozu and Taizong
Zhangsun Wuji长孙无忌Served as a chancellor during the time of Taizong and Gaozong
Zhao Kuangyin赵匡胤Song dynasty founder, The Taizu Emperor
Zizhi Tongjian资治通鉴The Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government

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