Ep. 199 | The History of China-Vietnam Relations (Part 3)
The CHP series covering the history of China-Vietnam Relations continues with Part 3. This episode will take history all the way up to the Tran Dynasty on the eve of the Mongol invasions from Yuan Dynasty China.
Heroes from Vietnamese history making an appearance in this episode include Ngô Quyền, Lê Hoàn, Lý Thái Tổ, Lý Thường Kiệt, and Trần Thái Tông. Sorry about inundating everyone with this deluge of Chinese and Vietnamese names. I hope the exhaustive list of terms below is helpful.
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Terms in Episode
Pinyin/Term | Chinese | Vietnamese | English/Meaning |
Bao Dai | 保大 | Bảo Đại | Final emperor of the Nguyen Dynasty, reigned 1926 to 1945 |
Báiténg Jiāng | 白藤江 | Sông Bạch Đằng | River that witnessed a lot of Vietnam history, runs past Hanoi |
Cổ Loa | 古螺 | Cổ Loa | Ancient site located in present day Hanoi where the Citadel or Thành Cổ Loa is located |
Dai Co Viet | 大瞿越 | Đại Cồ Việt | Name of Vietnam from 1054-1400 and later on again from 1428-1804 |
Dinh Bo Linh | 丁部领 | Đinh Bộ Lĩnh | Founder of the Dinh Dynasty who reigned 968-979 |
Dà Luō | 大罗 | Đại La | Another name for Hà Nội |
Dà Yuè | 大越 | Đại Việt | Early name of Vietnam, means Great Viet |
Dàlǐ | 大理 | Vương quốc Đại Lý | A kingdom in southwest China that lasted from 937-1253 |
Đinh Dynasty | 丁朝 | Nhà Đinh | Vietnamese Dynasty that ran 968-980 |
Đinh Tiên Hoàng Đế | 丁先皇帝 | Đinh Tiên Hoàng Đế | Emperor Dinh Tien, the title given to Dinh Bo Linh |
Early Lê dynasty | 黎朝 | Nhà Tiền Lê | Dynasty founded by Le Hoan, lasted 980-1009 |
Emperor Huizong | 宋徽宗 | Tống Huy Tông | Song ruler from 1100-1126 |
Emperor Xiàozōng | 宋孝宗 | Tống Hiếu Tông | Song Emperor from 1162-1189 |
Huán Wǒ Hé Shān | 还我河山 | - | Words attributed to Yue Fei that called for the return of the land from Jin occupation |
Huáng Dì | 皇帝 | Hoàng Đế | Emperor |
Héběi | 河北省 | Hà Bắc tỉnh | Northern province of China, where Beijing is geographically located |
Hénèi | 河内 | Hà Nội | Meaning is "Within the rivers" The rivers in question are the Tô Lịch and the Đuống rivers |
Jiāo province. | 交州 | Giao Châu | Name of the province that incorporated all of the former Nanyue Kingdom. This term was used mostly in the Han and Jin dynasties |
Jürchen Jīn dynasty | 金朝 | Nhà Kim | Lasted 1115-1234, called the Jürchen Jin to differentiate it from the one discussed in Part 1 of this series |
King Ngo | 吴王 | Ngô Vương | Ngo Quyen, also known by this name |
Kingdom of Fúnán | 扶南 | Phù Nam | The Chinese name given to the region around the Mekong Delta populated by mainly Indianised states. |
Kāifēng | 开封 | Khai Phong | City in Henan province that served as the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty |
Le Hoan | 黎桓 | Lê Hoàn | First emperor of the Early Le Dynasty, reigned 960-1005 |
Luò | 雒 | Lạc | The Lạc Việt people and the original homeland of Lạc. Ancient people who populated southern Guangxi and northern Vietnam |
Ly Cong Uan | 李公蘊 | Lý Công Uẩn | Ly Thai To's birth name |
Ly Nam De | 李南帝 | Lý Nam Đế | Van Xuan founder. Reigned 544-548 |
Ly Thai To | 李太祖 | Lý Thái Tổ | Ly Dynasty founder as well as the founder of Hanoi City. Reigned 1009-1028 |
Línyì | 林邑 | Lâm Ấp | Coastal kingdom to the south off Jiao that lasted from around 192 to 750 CE |
Lǐ Chángjié | 李常傑 | Lý Thường Kiệt | Ly Dynasty military great and author of the poem Nam Quốc Sơn Hà |
Ngô Dynasty | 吴朝 | Nhà Ngô | The Ngo Dynasty 939-967 |
Nánguó Shānhé | 南国山河 | Nam Quốc Sơn Hà | "Mountains and rivers of the southern country" written by Lý Thường Kiệt to inspire his troops in their battle against the invading Song army |
Nánníng / Yōng | 邕 | Nam Ninh | Capital city of Guangxi Province, formerly called Yong |
Nányuè | 南越 | Nam Việt | The kingdom established by Zhao. Lasted 204-111 BCE |
Nánzhào Kingdom | 南诏国 | Nam Chiếu quốc | Kingdom in southwest China that lasted 738 to 937 CE |
Shì | 士 | - | A knight or Knight-Errant (Errant means roaming or wandering) |
Shēng Lóng | 升龙 | Thăng Long | Rising Dragon (Former name of Hanoi) |
Southern Hàn | 南汉 | Nam Hán | One of the Ten Kingdoms in the south of China |
Southern Song | 南宋 | Nam Tống | Capital of the Song Dynasty after the capital was moved to the Hangzhou area 1127-1279 |
Sòng Shénzōng | 宋神宗 | Tống Thần Tông | Song emperor from 1067-1085 |
Sòng Tàizōng | 宋太宗 | Tống Huy Tông | Northern Song emperor from 1100-1126 |
Sòng Yuè Xīníng Zhànzhēng | 宋越熙宁战争 | Chiến tranh Tống - Việt | Lý-Song War-1075 to 1077 |
Temujin | 成吉思汗 | Thành Cát Tư Hãn | Birth name of Chinggis Khan, 1162-1227, grandfather of Kublai Khan |
Tran Ly | Trần Lý | Patriarch of the Trần family | |
Tran Thai Tong | 陈太宗 | Trần Thái Tông | Tran Dynasty first emperor |
Tran Thu Do | 陳守度 | Trần Thủ Độ, | Head of the royal guard. Helped overthrow the Ly Dynasty and became chancellor of the new Tran Dynasty |
Tàizǔ | 太祖 | Thái Tổ | The temple name usually given to a dynasty founder |
Vuong | 王 | Vương | King |
Wàn Chūn | 万春 | Vạn Xuân Quốc | Kingdom established by Ly Nam De |
Wáng Ānshí | 王安石 | Vương An Thạch | Northern Song statesman, chancellor, scholar and literary great. Lived 1021-1086 |
Wú Quán | 吴权 | Ngô Quyền | Ngo Dynasty founder. Lived from 897-944 |
Wǔdài Shíguó | 五代十国 | Ngũ Đại Thập Quốc | A chaotic era following the fall of the Tang. Lasted 907-979 |
Xīxià | 西夏 | Tây Hạ | Also known as the Tangut Empire. Lasted 1038-1227 out in Western China |
Yuán Dynasty | 大元朝 | Nhà Nguyên | Mongol dynasty that controlled China from 1271 to 1368. Also referred to as the Great Yuan |
Yuè Fēi | 岳飞 | Nhạc Phi | Featured in CHP episode 95, this military great fought on against the Jin Dynasty after Song was conquered |
Zhàn Pó | 占婆 | Chăm Pa | Champa, central and south Vietnam |
Zhào Kuāngyìn | 赵匡胤 | Triệu Khuông Dận | Founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, reigned 960-976 |
Zhào Tuó | 赵陀 | Triệu Đà | Former Qin official sent down to manage affairs but ended up forming a kingdom instead |
Zhēng Shì Zǐmèi | 徵氏姊妹 | Hai Bà Trưng | The Trưng Sisters |
Zhēnlà | 真腊 | Chân Lạp | Chenla |

It took almost fourteen years but here's a first CHP episode that focuses on China-Africa history.