Ep. 127 | The Birth of U.S.-China Relations

In this episode, we take a look at the circumstances and times when the brand spanking new nation of the United States of America cameto China for the very first time. The so-called “Most Important Relationship in the World” had very humble origins indeed.

When representatives of the United States first arrived in Canton in August 1783 they really had a lot of explaining to do about who they were and where they came from. Repeatedly they had to explain to the Chinese who interacted with them that they weren’t British.

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Terms in Episode

Bupingdeng tiaoyue不平等条约Unequal Treaty
Da Qing大清The name of the Qing Empire…means “Big” or “Great” Qing
Guanyin Tang观音堂The Temple in Macao where the Treaty of Wangxia was signed
Jin Sha金沙Cumshaw. A bribe given in the form of a gift (means gold sand or gold dust)
Lao Mei老美A term for America or Americans…not particularly a polite way to say it
Lao Zhong老中I never heard this used before…but the counterpart of Lao Mei
Puji Chanyuan普及禅院The former name of this temple
Qianlong乾隆The Qing emperor who reigned 1735-1796
Qiying耆英Known as “Keying”, a Manchu noble who signed many Unequal Treaties
Sishu四书The Four Books
Wangxia Tiaoyue望夏条约The Treaty of Wangxia July 3, 1844
Wujing五经The Five Classics
Wuyi Cha武夷茶Bohea Tea A popular type of tea export back in the day
Xichun Cha熙春茶Hyson Tea Another popular type of tea export back in the day
Zhong-Mei guanxi中美关系China – US Relations


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Ep. 128 | The History of American-Chinese Cuisine


Ep. 126 | Yelü Abaoiji