Ep. 124 | Sir Y.K. Pao

Today after a month-long break the China History Podcast is back with another episode. This time we look at the life and times of Sir Y.K. Pao. In telling the story of Sir Yue-kong Pao (Bao Yugang in Mandarin) we can also relive the periods in China and Hong Kong during the 1960s, 70’s and into the ’80s.

Through the life of Sir Y.K. Pao, we can also look back on those difficult times between China and Britain that preceded the signing of the Sino-British Joint Declaration in December 1984.

Sir Y.K. lived an amazing but all too brief life and was one of the early Hong Kong Chinese to rush to aid China when Deng Xiaoping emerged and began setting China on the path of reform and opening up to the world.

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Terms in Episode

Bao Gong包公Alternate name of Magistrate Bao
Bao Yugang包玉刚Pao Yue-kong, Sir Y.K. Pao
Bao Zhaolong包兆龙Father of Y.K. Pao
Bao Zheng包拯Magistrate Bao
Cao Guangbiao曹光彪K.P. Chao, another Ningbonese who made a fortune in textiles and co-founded Dragonair
Chai Shufan柴树藩High ranking China government minister
Chuang wang船王The Shipping King
Gaige Kaifang改革开放Reform & opening up to the world
Guangdahua Hang广大华行Kwong Dah Wah Hang, an early China trading company (later part of China Resources 华润)
Hua Guofeng华国锋Mao’s chosen successor and leader until he got respectfully pushed aside by Deng Xiaoping
Huang Sue-Ing黄秀英(Huang Xiuying) Lady Pao, wife of Sir Y.K.
Jihua Danlie Shi计划单列市Special status designated to certain cities giving them special economic treatment from the central government. Besides Ningbo, there are: Shenzhen, Xiamen, Dalian, Chongqing, Qingdao, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Xian, Changchun, Nanjing, Chengdu & Shenyang
Jin’an Hao金安号The Golden Alpha, Y.K. Pao’s first ship
Li Ka-Shing李嘉诚Featured in CHP episode 13
Lu Xuzhang卢绪章Elder Uncle Lu, Early CCP operative and senior official
Mei Lanfang梅兰芳Famous Peking Opera singer
Ningbo Daxue宁波大学Ningbo University
Renzong Emperor仁宗帝Song Dynasty emperor
Shuai ge帅哥Slang for a good-looking guy
Tianyi Ge天一阁Oldest library in China that’s still around
Zhao Kuangyin赵匡胤Founder of the Song Dynasty



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Ep. 125 | Zhuge Liang


Ep. 123 | The History of the Chinese in Mexico