Ep. 116 | John Service (Part 2)

In this second episode covering the life of John S. Service, we take a look at the general situation and the proliferation of mistrust and bad faith in wartime Chongqing. Chiang Kai-shek remains baffled and frustrated with American efforts to cozy up to Mao.

He blames the China Hands such as John Service for feeding American officials the CCP propaganda. It’s a poisonous atmosphere in China and the spectre of civil war keeps growing. Factions within the US government begin to circle their wagons and listen only to each other rather than understand what was happening in front of their eyes.

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Terms in Episode

Chengdu成都Capital of Sichuan province, birthplace of John Service
Chiang Kai-shek蒋介石KMT leader, military strongman and wartime president of China
Chongqing重庆Municipality in China that once was part of Sichuan. Served as the wartime capital of China after the Nationalists were chased out of Nanjing and Hankou
Clarence Gauss-Long-serving US diplomat in China. Appointed ambassador to China (in Chungking) during the the early war years.
Cordell Hull-US Secretary of State for most of WWII
FDR-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Harry Hopkins-One of Roosevelt’s closest advisors
Henry Luce-China-born publisher of two of the most influential American magazines of their day, Time and Life. Chiang Kai-shek’s most valuable supporter in the US.
Henry Wallace-FDR’s Vice President, led the Wallace Mission
John Carter Vincent-Another China Hand and Foreign Service officer
John Paton Davies-Childhood friend of John Service and fellow China Hand and Foreign Service officer
John Stewart Service-China Hand, Foreign Service officer
Joseph Stilwell-US Army Four-star general. A legend in his own time. The bete noir of Chiang Kai-shek
Lauchlin Currie-A White House economic advisor and aide-de-camp to Franklin Roosevelt
Madame Chiang (Song Meiling)宋美龄Soong Mei-ling
Max Hamilton-Protégé of Stanley Hornbeck and Chief of the China Affairs Bureau at State
Milton E. (Mary) Miles-Naval Intel spook and Deputy Dirctor of SACO
Owen Lattimore-China, Mongolian and Central Asia specialist sent by Roosevelt to serve as an aid to Chiang Kai-shek in Chongqing
Patrick Hurley-He will be introduced in Part II. He succeeded Clarence Gauss as Ambassador to China during the latter half of the War
Stanley Hornbeck-Special advisor to Cordell Hull. Very serious CKS supporter.
Tai Li (Dai Li)戴笠Called China’s Himmler…. He was Chiang Kai-shek’s chief of secret police.
Theodore White白修德Immortal American writer, historian and journalist. Got the word out to American about the Henan Famine.
“Wild Bill” Donovan-Founder of the OSS, forerunner to the CIA



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Ep. 117 | John Service (Part 3)


Ep. 115 | John Service (Part 1)