Ep. 111 | The Wu State

This week we delve back into the mists of ancient times to look at the State of Wu from the Spring & Autumn Period. Although they didn’t last long, the Wu State had a major impact on the development of the culture of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai region.

There are a few Wu periods in Chinese history and today we will try to sort them all out. The terms sheet this episode is longer than usual, but that’s necessary when covering a topic as complex as this.

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Terms in Episode

Battle of Boju柏舉之战The Battle of Boju in 506 BC where Wu defeated Chu
Battle of Bì邲之战Battle in 597 BC between Chu and Jin where Chu scored a decisive victory
Cao Cao曹操Controlled the State of Wei in the north during the Three Kingdoms Period
Chang Jiang长江What Chinese call the Yangtze
Changzhou常州Ancient city in Jiangsu Province
ChuThe State of Chu in Hubei
Dabie Mountains大别山Central China Mountain chain on Hubei-Henan border
Di Xin帝辛King Zhou of Shang
Diaochan貂蝉One of the fabled beauties of ancient times, from the Three Kingdoms period. Her beauty eclipsed the moon.
Duke of Shen-Also called Wuchen, an emissary from Jin State who convinced Wu to attack Chu
Fuchai夫差King of Wu, son of Helü
Fugai覆盖Brother of King Helü
Guanwa Palace馆娃宫Palace built by Fuchai for Xi Shi
Gugong Danfu古公亶父One of King Tai of Zhou’s other names
Han Gou邗沟The Han Canal, precursor of The Grand Canal
Han River汉河Major river in Hubei
Hanchuan汉川Site of three battles between the forces of Wu and Chu
Helü阖闾King of Wu State
Huai River淮河Major river in China
Hubei Sheng Bowuguan湖北省博物馆The Hubei Provincial Museum
Huiwang Gou Wu回望勾吴Looking back on Gou Wu
JiThe surname of the Zhou Kings
Ji Chang姬昌King Wen of Zhou
Ji Danfu姬亶父Another posthumous name for King Tai of Zhou
Ji Li季历Younger brother of Taibo and Zhongyong, father of King Wen of Zhou
Jiangnan江南“South of the Yangzi River”, general term for the culture in the upper reaches of the Yangzi
Jiaxing嘉兴Ancient city in north Zhejiang Province
JinThe State of Jin (also Western Jin)
Jingzhou荆州City in Hubei close to the ancient Chu capital of Ying
King Goujian勾践王King of Yue State
King Ping楚平王Murderous Chu king. Had Wu Zixu’s father and brother killed.
Lake Tai太湖Lake in Suzhou
Laozi老子Lao Tzu
Liangzhu良渚文化Liangzhu Culture, a late neolithic culture in north Zhejiang
Linzi临淄Capital of Qi State in Shandong
Liu Bocheng刘伯承Great revolutionary and military man of the PRC and Deng ally
LuThe State of Lu in Shandong
Luoyang洛阳One of China’s ancient capitals, located in Henan
Nang Wa囊瓦Chu State’s strongest general
Ou Yezi欧冶子Legendary master sword maker from Spring & Autumn period
Prince Guang公子光The future King Helü of Wu
QiThe State of Qi in Shandong
Qi Lu Liangguo齐鲁两国The States of Qi and Lu (name for east Shandong)
QianSurname of the clan who controlled the Wuyue State
Qufu曲阜Capital of Lu State and burial site of Confucius
San Huang Wu Di三皇五帝The Three Sovereigns & Five Emperors
Shaoxing绍兴Ancient city in north Zhejiang Province
Shi Ji史记The Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian
Shoumeng寿梦Wu King who put them on the military path that led to their downfall
Si da mei nü四大美女The Four Beauties of Ancient China
Sun Wu孙武Also known as Sun Tzu
Sunzi Bingfa孙子兵法The Art of War, written by Sun Tzu
Suzhou苏州Ancient city in Jiangsu Province
Wang Zhaojun王昭君Western Han beauty from Hubei married off to a Xiongnu king. Birds fell out of the sky when they saw her beauty.
Wu Guo吴国The State of Wu
Wu She伍奢Father of Wu Zixu, killed by King Ping
Wu Taibo吴泰伯Founder of the Wu State and the Wu 吴 Clan
Wu Zixu伍子胥Influential minister during Wu State
Wuxi无锡Ancient city next door to Suzhou
Xi Shi西施Legendary beauty who Fuchai was obsessed over.
Xichuan西川City in Henan, site of the ancient Chu capital Ying
Xu Men胥门Gate in the ancient walled city of Suzhou
Yang Guifei杨贵妃Tang Dynasty zaftig beauty and tragic lover of Emperor Xuanzong. Many blame the Tang’s fall on her wiles.
Yangzhou扬州Ancient city in South Jiangsu
Yangzi扬子The Yangtze River
YingCapital of Chu State, in present day Xichuan, Henan
Ying Zheng嬴政Name of Qin king and China’s future unifying emperor Qin Shihuang
Yongle永乐The Yong Le Emperor of the Ming Dynasty
Yuchang鱼肠剑The sword made by Ou Yezi used by Zhuan Zhu to kill King Liao
YueThe Yue people and Yue state
Zheng He郑和The great explorer and diplomat featured in CHP 92-93-94
Zhengzhou郑州Ancient city in Henan
Zhongyong仲雍Younger brother of Taibo and second leader of Wu State
Zhou Tai Wang周太王Founder of the Zhou Clan during Shang Dynasty
Zhou Wu Wang周武王Ji Fa, King Wu of Zhou
Zhuan Zhu专诸Famous Wu State assassin. Killed King Liao of Wu
Zhuang Zedong庄则栋PRC Table tennis great who played a major role in ping pong diplomacy
Zibo淄博Located in central Shandong, formerly Linzi

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