S9E1 | The Truth Always Gets Out


Saying: “to come to light”
Pinyin: Dōng Chuāng Shì Fā
Chinese: 东窗事发


For the Season 9 opener, we bring you a good one that takes place in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty. Qin Hui, the reviled chancellor of Emperor Gaozong is back again, starring in another Chinese Saying, inspired by his historic perfidy. He conspired with his wife, Lady Wang, to have the great hero Yue Fei rubbed out. Their careful conspiracy, discussed in the utmost secrecy in a private spot in their residence, was somehow discovered.

This is the story behind Dōng Chuāng Shì Fā 东窗事发.

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S9E2 | R-E-S-P-E-C-T


S8 Bonus Episode | Emma in the Narrator's Seat