S9E6 | The First Cut is the Deepest


Saying: "no matter how much you cut it still becomes messy"
Pinyin: Jiǎn Bú Duàn, Lǐ Hái Luàn
Chinese: 剪不断 理还乱


Once again, as a regular feature to the CHP, I'm including the latest Chinese Sayings Podcast offering. This one may be a bit of a departure from the average CSP episode. The Chinese Saying for this time is Jiǎn Bú Duàn, Lǐ Hái Luàn-剪不断 理还乱. Many Chinese poetry lovers and aficionados may already be familiar with this line from the 10th-century poem 相见欢.

Today's CSP offering is more of a history lesson than an introduction to a chengyu but it's worth it to hear it out to the end. The star of this episode is the final ruler of the Southern Tang Dynasty. Like his kindred spirit emperor Huizong of the Northern Song, Li Yu 李煜 of Southern Tang wasn't much of a ruler. But what he lacked in leadership ability he made up for it with his great literary skills, especially where cí 词 poetry was concerned.

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S9E7 | You Can Get it if You Really Want (But You Must Try)


S9E5 | Had Enough Yet?