S8E03 | Gimme Three Steps


Saying: “to retreat three day's march”
Pinyin: Tuì Bì Sān Shè
Chinese: 退避三舍


With a cast of characters like the Dukes of Jin and Chu and everyone's favorite exile Chong Er, you're guaranteed a treat. This is the story behind the chengyu: 退避三舍 Tuì Bì Sān Shè. The story of Chong Er, his escape from persecution by his father Duke Xian of Jin, and his triumphant return to Jin in 636 BC is one of the countless unforgettable stories from ancient Chinese history. Before Chong Er became Duke Wen of Jin, he experienced a nineteen-year odyssey that took him throughout the states of the Zhou Dynasty. This story concerns a visit to Chu. Sometimes you gotta know when to make a strategic retreat.

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S8E02 | Blue, Blue, My World is Blue