S5E07 | Produced By The Gods


Saying: “the work of the Gods”
Pinyin: Shén Gōng Gǔi Fǔ
Chinese: 神工鬼斧


Another good one from The Zhuangzi, the Second Book of the Dao. This idiom concerns a craftsman in Lu (southern Shandong Province) who was particularly masterful at carving these wooden stands that held ceremonial bells. So great was his workmanship, people who beheld his handiwork declared it was Shén Gōng Gǔi Fǔ, 神工鬼斧.

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Terms in Episode

Zhuāngzǐ庄子Also known by his personal name Zhuang Zhou 庄周, Zhuangzi was the philospher's name and the name of the book he is credited with writing. The book is also referred to as The Second Book of the Dao.
Dá Shēng达生Understanding Life, the chapter from The Zhuangzi from which this idiom was taken
Shēn Gōng Guǐ Fǔ神工鬼斧Uncanny workmanship, superlative workmanship, the work of the gods. Can also be expressed as Guǐ Fǔ Shén Gōng 鬼斧神工
Shéngod…deity or some immortal being
GōngWorker or a skill
Guǐghost or spirit
axe or hatchet
Warring States Period战国时代The final part of the Zhou Dynasty, lasting from the estimated death of Confucius in 479 to 221 BC
chéngyǔ成语A Chinese idiom or slang
Zǐqìng梓庆The main character in this story, Craftsman Qìng or Master Qìng
Shandong province山东省Coastal province in the north of China
State of Lǔ鲁国A long-lasting Zhou Dynasty State located in the southern part of Shandong Province (Qi to the north).
Wooden stands used for ceremonial Chinese bells
Zhou Dynasty周朝China's final Bronze Age Dynasty, lasted 1046 to 221 BC. The Western Zhou lasted 1046 to 771 BC. The Eastern Zhou (Spring and Autumn and Warring States eras) lasted 770 to 221 BC

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