S4E09 | Rejected! | 虎口余生


Saying: “to escape from the tiger’s mouth”
Pinyin: Hǔ Kǒu Yú Shēng
Chinese: 虎口余生


Laszlo dredges up another great one from China's ancient times. This one not only features a story from Zhuangzi's Second Book of the Dao (a.k.a. The Zhuangzi) but also stars the great Confucius himself. In this story from the 5th century BC, Confucius is taken on a wild and bumpy ride with the violent and course "Robber" Zhi 盗跖. After trying to convince "Robber" Zhi of the error in his ways, Confucius is given a major dressing down and his philosophy is utterly rejected, leaving The Great Sage with a feeling of Hǔ Kǒu Yú Shēng 虎口余生.

Don't forget, the Chinese terms from CSP episodes are all listed for you down below.

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Terms in Episode

Zhuāngzǐ庄子369-286 BC, also known as the Daoist philospher Zhuāng Zhōu, as well as the eponymous book The Zhuangzi (known as "The Second Book of the Dao".
Kǒngzǐ孔子Better known as the philospher and poet, Confucius (551-479 BC)
Kǒng Qiū孔丘Confucius's personal name
鲁国Zhou Dynasty state located in southern Shandong province (south of Qi State)
Shandong山东Provionce on the north China coast
chéngyǔ成语A Chinese idiom or saying
Hǔ Kǒu Yú Shēng虎口余生To be saved from the tiger's mouth - have a narrow escape from death
A tiger
kǒua mouth or opening
remainder, surplus
Shēngto give birth to, grow
Yúshēng余生To survive a disaster, remainder of one's life
Lǎozǐ老子c. 500 BC, reverent term of address for the so-called "father of Daoism", Li Er (李耳). Also the name for the eponymous book
Zá Piān杂篇The Miscellaneous Chapters, a section of The Zhuangzi
Liǔ Xiàjì柳下季A philospher, teacher and politician during the Spring and Autumn Period in China (720-621 BC)
Dào Zhí盗跖Robber Zhi, brother of Liu Xiaji
DàoA bandit or robber
齐国A Zhou Dynasty state located in northern Shandong Province
Yán Huí颜回521-481 BC, a disciple of Confucius
Zǐgòng子贡c. 520, another well-known disciple of Confucius
Tài Shān泰山Sacred mountain located in Shandong in Tai'an, near the capital of Jinan
King Wén周文王1152-1056 BC, co-founder of the Zhou Dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou
King Wǔ周武王c. 1043, first king of the Western Zhou Dynasty
吴国An ancient state located in and around present day Jiangsu province
Yuè越国An ancient state located in and around present day Zhejiang province
Sòng宋国An ancient state located in and around present day eastern Henan province around Shangqiu
Wèi卫国An ancient state located in and around present day Henan and Hebei provinces
Jìn晋国An ancient state located in and around present day Shanxi province
Qín秦国An ancient state located in and around present day Shaanxi province
(among other definitions) a traditional unit of length equivelant to 0.311 mile
YáoA legendary sage king who lived c. 2200 BC
ShùnA legendary sage king who lived c. 2300 BC
King Tāng of Shāng商汤Legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty c.1646
ZhōuThe Zhou Dynasty 1046-256 BC
Shén Nóng神农c. 2000 BC, The Divine Farmer, inventor of many useful things, including the discovery of tea
Yellow Emperor黄帝A mythological emperor of China who reigned 2697-2597 BC
Chī Yóu蚩尤A legendary tribal leader who was defeated and killed by The Yellow Emperor
Zhuōlù涿鹿a county in Hebei province near Zhangjiakou
King Zhòu of Shāng商纣王also known as Zhou Xin 纣辛, c. 1100, last king of the Shang Dyansty
Zǐ Lù子路542-480 BC, a disciple of Confucius
Chén陈国A Zhou Dynasty state
Cài蔡国A Zhou Dynasty state
Táng Yáo唐尧See above Yáo
Yú Shùn虞舜See above Shun
Yǔ the Great大禹Legendary founder of the Xia Dynasty (c.21st-16th Century BC)
Yǒulǐ羑里An ancient place located in Henan Province
Bóyí伯夷Mythical hero from ancient times who helped Shun and Yu the Great tame the floods
Shūqí叔齐Brother of Boyi (see above)
Gū Zhú孤竹国An ancient Zhou vassal state located around Tangshan, Hebei Province
Mount Shǒuyáng首阳山A mountain located in Henan just south of Luoyang
Bào Jiāo鲍焦Zhou Dynasty hermit, dissatisfied with the politics of the day, he escaped into the mountains and forests, hugged a tree and died.
Jiè Zǐtuī介子推c. 7th C. BCE legendary selfless subject of Duke Wen of Jin, in whose honor the Qingming Festival is said to have been initiated
Duke Wén of Jìn晋文公697-628 BC, Leader of Jin State and one of the Five Hegemons
Wěi Shēng尾生A legendary character who waited for his love under a bridge until he drowned in surging waters
Bǐ Gān比干Son of the Shang king Wen Ding, and an uncle of the last Shang king, the wicked Di Xin. He is immortalized as a Taoist deity The God of Wealth
Wǔ Zǐxū伍子胥A Western Zhou Dynasty general and politician of the Wu kingdom. He is remembered for his loyalty and as the "First Ancestor" of the Chinese family name "Wu" (伍)
chūchù出处The source of a quotation
Chéngyǔ Yánjiū Zhōngxīn成语研究中心The Chengyu Research Center located in the UK and headed up by the hard-working Emma

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S4E10 | Salvation, Zhang Gang Style | 釜底游鱼


S4E08 | Nobody Loves You When You're Down and Out | 门可罗雀