S3E08 | Create Your Destiny | 乘风破浪


Saying: “To ride the wind and cut through the waves”
Pinyin: Chéng Fēng Pò Làng
Chinese: 乘风破浪


Laszlo introduces another nobody from Chinese history named Zong Que who had his own great aspirations. He swore he would make something of himself one day. Furthermore, if he did, he was determined to do it as a soldier.

Although Zong Que’s achievements on the battlefield weren’t written about in most history books, the old Book of Song included his story and how we got this episode’s featured Chinese Saying.

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Terms in Episode

Chéngto ride...like ride a bus, ride an aircraft....
Chéng Fēng Pò Làng乘风破浪To ride the wind and cut through the waves
Chéngfēng乘风Ride the wind.....
Dèngzhōu邓州City on Henan province near Nanyang
Fēngthe wind
Hàn汉朝The Han Dynasty, 206 BCE to 220 CE
Hénán province河南Their ad campaign called that province the place "Where China began"
Jiànkāng建康Near present day Nanjing, the former capital of Liu Song, among other places
Jìn晋朝The Jin Dynasty that lasted 265 to 420
Liú Sòng Dynasty刘宋朝One of the Southern Dynasties, lasting from 420 to 479
Lànga wave
Línyì临邑A kingdom that preceded the Kingdom of Champa, south of the border in Vietnam
Nán Běi Cháo南北朝The Southern and Northern Dynasties period, lasting 420 to 589
to break, split, to cleave in two or cut
Pò Làng破浪to cut through the waves
Suí隋朝The Sui Dynasty, 581 to 618
Sòng Shū宋书the Book of Song
Yuàn chéng cháng fēng.....Pò wànlǐ làng, Gàn yī fān wěidà de shìyè愿乘长风破万里浪,干一番伟大的事业To ride the wind and crash through the waves and build a great career
Zhōu周朝The Zhou Dynasty 1046 BCE to 256 BCE
Zōng Què宗悫Our hero for today's episode

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