S2E08 | Give it All You’ve Got | 一鼓作气


Saying: “With one beat of the drums expend all energies”
Pinyin: Yī Gǔ Zuò Qì
Chinese: 一鼓作气


Back to Shandong Province and the Spring and Autumn Period to the epic Battle of Chang Shao 684 BCE to learn how underdog Lu State, by the beat of a drum, out-strategized their bigger and more powerful neighbor to the north.

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Terms in Episode

Chángsháo zhī Zhàn长勺之战The Battle of Chang Shao in 684 BCE that saw the underdog Lu defeat the numerically superior Qi Army (thanks to Cao Gui’s Yi Gu Zuo Qi strategy
Chéngyǔ成语A Chinese Saying or Idiomatic phrase
Chūn Qiú春秋The Spring and Autumn Annals, also the name of the era
Cáo Guì曹刿Duke Zhuang’s chief counselor
Later Zhou后周代The Later Zhou Dynasty, also known as the Eastern Zhou
Láiwú莱芜Laiwu, a city in central Shandong
Lǔ Zhuāng Gōng鲁庄公Duke Zhuang of Lu, reigned 693-662 BCE
Mòzǐ墨子Founder of Mohism, an early philosopher during the Golden Age in China, also the name of the work credited to him
Qìgōng气功Qigong, an ancient Chinese practice that keeps your life forces in balance
Qí Lǔ Liǎng Guó齐鲁两国The two states of Qi and Lu (that make up the province of Shandong)
Shāndōng山东Coastal province in north China
Yī Gǔ Zuò Qì一鼓作气With one beat of the drums expend all energies, a burst of energy
Zuòto do or to make
Zuǒ Zhuàn左转The Zuo Zhuan, also known as the Commentary of Zuo, a written history of the Spring & Autumn Period

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S2E09 | Whole Lotta Love | 琴瑟和鸣


S2E07 | Double Sorrow | 人琴俱亡