S1E03 | A Sincere Gift of a Mere Trifle | 千里送鹅毛


Saying: “A swan feather from a thousand li (miles) away”
Pinyin: Qiānlǐ Sòng Émáo
Chinese: 千里送鹅毛


The next time someone looks down on your gift because its value isn’t much, now you have the perfect response.

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Terms in Episode

Cháng'ān长安Modern day Xian. Ancient capital of a few dynasties
Chéngyǔ成语Chinese proverb or idiom
Húběi湖北A province in Central China
Kūnmíng昆明Capital of Yunnan Province
a mile but specifically a Chinese mile which was about a third of a mile
a gift
Lǐ qīng qíngyì zhòng礼轻情意重The gift is light in value but heavy in meaning
Miǎn Bógāo缅伯高An official from the Yunnan-Burma region
Páihú排湖Lake Pai
Qiāna thousand
Qiānlǐ千里a thousand Li or a thousand miles
Qiānlǐ sòng é’máo千里送鹅毛A swan feather from a thousand li (miles) away
qíngyì情意affection or the positive feelings behind some action
qīnglight, as in weight
sòngto send
Táng Tàizōng唐太宗The Tang emperor Taizong (Li Shimin)
Xiāntáo仙桃City in Hubei province
Xīān西安Capital of Shaanxi Province
Yángzǐ扬子江Also called The Chang Jiang, China’s longest river
Yúnnán云南A province down in the southwest of China

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S1E04 | A Lousy Place to Fish | 缘木求鱼


S1E02 | Fen-Wise and Yuan-Foolish | 贪小失大