Ep. 258 | Jiang Ziya
Jiang Ziya’s story takes place during the waning years of the Shang and the founding of the Zhou Dynasty.

Ep. 257 | Emily “Mickey” Hahn
Emily Mickey Hahn was a woman whose writings from her years in China from 1935-1943 were essential reading for those hungry to learn about China during a time when the world was becoming smaller and more dangerous.

Ep. 256 | Vincent Chin
This episode examines Vincent Chin, who was living in Detroit, working as a draftsman, and was soon to be married. But then on June 19, 1982, his life took a violent and tragic turn.

Ep. 255 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 12)
In this 12th and final episode, we’ll look at Xinjiang from 1885 to 1949. After all the events that happened going back to Qianlong, Xinjiang finally goes out with a whimper in 1949 with the Communist PLA takeover.

Ep. 254 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 11)
In this penultimate episode of the series, Laszlo introduces some of the major happenings in Xinjiang during the waning decades of the Qing Dynasty.

Ep. 253 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 10)
In this Part 10 episode, the focus will be on the Qing Dynasty during the emperors Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong. The rise and fall of the Zunghar Khanate will also be explored, as well as the violent and tragic aftermath following the Zunghars defeat.

Ep. 252 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 9)
In this Part 9 episode, we’ll look at the 13th to 17th centuries, Yuan to Qing. After the final end of the Chagatai Khanate, it’s going to be non-stop wars, alliances, and betrayals in this portion of Central Asia.

Ep. 251 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 8)
In Part 8 of our Xinjiang overview, we start off with the great Uyghur diaspora that followed after the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in 840 and examine what happened to them after they arrived in Gansu and Xinjiang.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 7)
In this episode, we finish off the 1972 visit of Richard Nixon to the PRC. The series finale looks at the exciting meeting between the two leaders, Nixon and Mao, and relive “the week that changed the world.”

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 6)
In Part 6 of this CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, Nixon lands in Beijing and has that magic moment with Zhou Enlai at the steps of Air Force One.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 5)
The drama continues in this Part 5 episode as Kissinger is briefing Nixon on his secret visit in July 1971. However, not everything was nailed down in this one single visit. It would take another trip in October to get all the negotiations and preparations taken care of.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 4)
In Part 4 of this special CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, we see how the talks in Beijing went between two very smooth operators: Zhou Enlai and Henry A. Kissinger.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 3)
Things are really heating up as we start Part 3 of this special 10-Year Anniversary special program. In this episode, we re-live the drama of ping-pong diplomacy and breakthrough in the talks between the US and China.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 2)
Thanks for coming back to Part 2 of this special CHP 10-Year Special Series. In this episode, the focus is in 1969-1970 with the US and PRC sending signals through their mutual Pakistani, French, and Romanian friends.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 1)
Welcome to a very special 10-Year Anniversary Series, where we examine U.S.-China Relations during the years 1969-1972. In Part 1 this time we’ll get an overview of just how bad US and PRC relations were between 1949 to 1969.

Ep. 250 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 7)
In this arguable milestone episode, we finally get around to the Uyghurs, discuss their ancient history and examine how they rose from one of several tribes in a Turkic confederation to their own Khaganate.

Ep. 249 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 6)
In this episode, we’ll try and sort out the major events and players who made up this high point in the Silk Road trade. The history in Xinjiang was dominated by Tang China, various Turkic tribes, and a very powerful and warlike Tibetan Empire.

Ep. 248 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 5)
In this Part 5 episode, the plot thickens and Xinjiang is getting a facelift. In a few hundred years you will hardly recognize it.

Ep. 247 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 4)
In this episode, we bid farewell to the Han Dynasty and hello to a long period of a disunited China. We also take a quick look at a few of the kingdoms of the southern Tarim Basin as well as Turpan.

Ep. 246 | The History of Xinjiang (Part 3)
More Han Dynasty for you in this Part 3 episode with a special focus on Ban Chao et fils. Back in those Han Dynasty days, Xinjiang was still considered very far away and not so easy to hold onto.