Ep. 340 | The History of Chinese Medicine (Part 4)
For the 2024 Year-End Closing episode, we continue on with the History of Chinese Medicine during the Sòng.

Surfing History in China w/ Nik Zanella
Laszlo welcomes longtime China resident, Nik Zanella onto the CHP to chat about surfing history in China

Ep. 269 | Eunuchs in Chinese History (Part 3)
After wrecking the Han and Tang Dynasties, the eunuchs emerge again in the Ming as an evil force. In this episode, we’ll also look at the Song Dynasty eunuch general and politician Tong Guan.

Ep. 134 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 3)
We continue in this episode examining the second decade of Huizong’s reign. The years we look at today will the years Huizong later on most regrets.

Ep. 133 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 2)
This time in Part 2 of our series we look at Huizong as he attempts to assemble his team and deal with bitter factional strife that was rampant since the Wang Anshi New Reforms.

Ep. 132 | The Song Emperor Huizong (Part 1)
The Song Dynasty was another one of those times when China was the most advanced and economically powerful civilization on earth. The period in which Huizong reigned was one of the high points of the dynasty.