CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 6)
In Part 6 of this CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, Nixon lands in Beijing and has that magic moment with Zhou Enlai at the steps of Air Force One.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 5)
The drama continues in this Part 5 episode as Kissinger is briefing Nixon on his secret visit in July 1971. However, not everything was nailed down in this one single visit. It would take another trip in October to get all the negotiations and preparations taken care of.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 4)
In Part 4 of this special CHP 10-Year Anniversary series, we see how the talks in Beijing went between two very smooth operators: Zhou Enlai and Henry A. Kissinger.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 3)
Things are really heating up as we start Part 3 of this special 10-Year Anniversary special program. In this episode, we re-live the drama of ping-pong diplomacy and breakthrough in the talks between the US and China.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 2)
Thanks for coming back to Part 2 of this special CHP 10-Year Special Series. In this episode, the focus is in 1969-1970 with the US and PRC sending signals through their mutual Pakistani, French, and Romanian friends.

CHP Ten-Year Anniversary Series | U.S.-China Relations: 1969-1972 (Part 1)
Welcome to a very special 10-Year Anniversary Series, where we examine U.S.-China Relations during the years 1969-1972. In Part 1 this time we’ll get an overview of just how bad US and PRC relations were between 1949 to 1969.