Ep. 297 | Austro-German Jewish Musicians in Wartime Shanghai
Laszlo and Scripps College professor of music Dr. Hao Huang discuss the stories of Jewish musicians from Germany and Austria who fled Europe and ended up in Shanghai.

Ep. 228 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 3)
We finish off our series on the Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai by examining the lives of the three remaining women, Li Xianglan, Yao Li, and Zhou Xuan.

Ep. 227 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 2)
In this second part of the series Laszlo and special guest, SpunCounterguy introduces Bai Hong, Bai Guang, Gong Qiuxia, and Wu Yingyin, four superstars who left behind a string of hits that still inspires feelings of nostalgia and reminiscence of those days gone by.

Ep. 226 | The Seven Great Singing Stars of Shanghai (Part 1)
This series focuses on The Seven Great Singing Stars of old Shanghai whose performing skills on the silver screen and on 78 records provide us with a nostalgic glimpse of a long-gone and controversial era. In this Part 1 episode, we will focus on the one who made it all possible, the talented Li Jinhui.

Ep. 193 | Whitey Smith and Early Shanghai Jazz
Whitey Smith found fame amongst the one percent who were regulars at all the glitzy hotel ballrooms, dance halls, clubs, and dives of 1920s and 1930’s Shanghai. Today we take a closer look at his story.