Ep. 230 | The Pirate and Mongol Slayer Qi Jiguang
This episode examines the life of Qi Jiguang, who helped to rid the China coast of pirates (Wōkòu) and through his epic Great Wall restoration engineering project he kept the Mongol menace at bay and preserved the Ming Dynasty for an additional half-century.

Ep. 204 | Chinese Martial Arts, Wing Chun, and Ip Man (Part 2)
Today we zero in on the history and legends behind the Wing Chun style of king fu. We’ll also look at Grandmaster Ip Man and all those Wing Chin greats who came before him going back to the founder Ng Mui (Wu Mei).

Ep. 203 | Chinese Martial Arts, Wing Chun, and Ip Man (Part 1)
This two-part series offers up a survey of the development of martial arts in China from the mythical times of the Yellow Emperor to the present day.