Ep. 96 | Wang Xizhi

In this episode, we look at Wang Xizhi, a man of letters who achieved greatness during the Eastern Jin dynasty and is called China’s greatest calligrapher. His life and achievements will be explored along with the significance of calligraphy in Chinese culture. We’ll also recall those crazy times in the fourth century AD.

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Terms in Episode

Bi Zhen Tu笔阵图Lady Wei’s Illustrated Formation of the Writing Brush
Bi, mo, zhi, yan笔墨纸砚Brush, Ink, Paper, Ink Stone
Cai Lun蔡伦Inventor of paper making process
Cai Yong蔡邕Eastern Han calligrapher
Cao Wei曹魏Northern state during the Three Kingdoms period
Eastern Jin Dynasty东晋317-420
Emperor Min晋敏帝Last emperor of the Western Jin who lived a tragic and pitiful ending
Hakka (Kejia)客家人The Hakka People (Guest People)
Han Zhao汉赵State during the Northen Kingdoms
Jiaguwen甲骨文The earliest Chinese writing carved in bones and shells
Jiankang建康Present day Nanjing
Jin Dyansty金代Dynasty created by Jurchens in the north, ran alongside the Southern Song
Jin Yuandi晋元帝First emperor of Eastern Jin
Lantingji Xu兰亭集序The Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion Poems
Li Shimin李世民Co-founder with his father Li Yuan, of the Tang Dynasty, went on to reign as the Taizong emperor
Li Si李斯Prime minister during time of Qin Shihuang, credited with standardizing the small seal script
Liu Yu刘裕Founder of the Liu Song dynasty
Luoyang洛阳Located in Henan, capital for several dynasties including Western Jin
Shaoxing绍兴Birthplace of Wang Xizhi (and many others in history), halfway between Ningbo and Hangzhou
Shu Sheng书圣The Sage of Calligraphy
Sima Rui司马瑞First emperor of Eastern Jin, Jin Yuandi
Sima Yan司马炎Founder of Jin Dynasty (Jin Wudi)
Sima Yi司马懿General and official of Cao Wei state. Grandfather of Sima Yan
Tang Taizong太宗帝The Taizong emperor and charter member of the Wang Xizhi Fan Club
The Four Treasures文房四宝The four essentials of any aristocrats desk
Wang Xianzhi王献之Son of Wang Xizhi, also a great calligrapher
Wang Xizhi王羲之China’s greatest and certainly most famous calligrapher
Wei Shuo衛鑠Madam Wei, Lady Wei, tutor to Wang Xizhi
Western Jin Dynasty西晋265-318
Xiongnu匈奴“Barbarian” northern nomadic people who fought on and off for millennia with the Han Chinese
Yongzi Bafa永字八法The Eight Principles of Yong
Zhejiang浙江Rich province in China where Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shaoxing are located
Zhong You (Zhong Yao)钟繇Greatest calligrapher up to the time of the 4th century

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