Ep. 89 | The Cultural Revolution (Part 7)

In Part 7 of our Cultural Revolution overview, we get all the way up to the end of 1975. With Zhou Enlai ailing and Mao Zedong also not long for the world, there is a sudden urgency to find a successor to the chairman.

Now more than ever the two opposing camps take every measure to defeat the other. To the victor will go the leadership of the Chinese nation. To the loser, there is a certain loss of power and perhaps of freedom. Everything is building up to the fateful year of 1976.

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Terms in Episode

Chen Boda陈伯达CCRG leader who fell from power for backing Lin Biao
Chen Yi陈毅PLA Marshal, died January 26, 1972
Chen Zaidao陈再道General at the center of the Wuhan Incident July 20, 1967
Dong Biwu董必武Poliburo member from 1945 to 1975, old comrade of Mao
Jiang Qing江青Mao’s wife and Gang of Four member
Jiangxi江西Province in southeast China
Lake Poyang鄱阳湖Largest fresh-water lake in China, located in Jiangxi
Laobaixing老百姓The “old 100 surnames”, a name for the Chinese people
Li Desheng李德生PLA general, poliburo member as well as member of the Military Affairs Commission (MAC)
Lin Liguo林立国Son of Lin Biao and Ye Qun, rising star in the China air force
Lushan庐山Scenic resort area in Jiangxi. Site of two historic CCP plenums.
Nie Rongzhen聂荣臻PLA Marshal
Pi lin pi kong批林批孔Criticize Lin and Criticize Confucius
Tan Zhenlin谭震林old comrade of Mao from the Jinggangshan days and long time politician
Tu Deyong-Given life in prison for his public brazen indictment of the Cultural Revolution
Wang Hongwen王洪文Gang of Four member and at one time ranked 3rd in the CCP
Wu Faxian吴法宪Air Force commander, Lin Biao ally and mentor of Lin Liguo
Xu Xiangqian徐向前PLA Marshal
Yao Wenyuan姚文元Gang of Four Member
Ye Jianying叶剑英PLA Marshal
Ye Qun叶群Wife of Marshal Lin Biao
Yibu yibu一步一步One step at a time
Zhang Chunqiao张春桥Gang of Four member
Zhu De朱德PLA founder and one of Mao’s oldest and closest comrades

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Ep. 90 | The Cultural Revolution (Part 8)


Ep. 88 | The Cultural Revolution (Part 6)