Ep. 83 | The Cultural Revolution (Part 1)

By popular demand, Laszlo begins to trace the history of The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1966-1976, also referred to as China’s “Ten Years of Chaos”.

In this Part 1 episode Laszlo looks at the events leading up to the fateful moment in 1966 when Mao called for the people to Bombard the Headquarters and to tear down the government. Then in the episodes to follow we will look at how Chairman Mao did this.

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Terms in Episode

Dazibao大字报Big Character Poster
Paoda Silingbu炮打司令部Bombard the headquarters
Dayuejin大跃进The Great Leap Forward
Liu Shaoqi刘少奇President of China – Primary target of Cultural Recvolution
Hai Rui海瑞Upright Ming Dynasty official remembered for his honesty and daring to speak up to the emperor
Jiajing嘉靖Emperor during the Ming Dynasty
Wu Han吴晗Vice Mayor of Beijing, man of letters, writer of the play Hai Rui Dismissed
Hai Rui baguan海瑞罢官Play written by Wu Han that helped spark the Cultural Revolution
Peng Dehuai彭德怀Military hero, defense minister, dismissed at Lushan Conference
Chen Yun陈云One of the Eight Immortals in the 80’s, noted economic planner
Yang Shangkun杨尚昆One of the Eight Immortals in the 80’s, President of China 1988-93, Vice-chairman of CMC
Lin Biao林彪Military hero and later Mao’s successor after the fall of Liu Shaoqi
Zhu De朱德One of the founders of the PLA, great military hero, Mao’s right hand man in the earliest days
Lushan Conference庐山会议July 1959 meeting in Lushan, Jiangxi province to discuss the Great Leap Forward and where Peng Dehuai was dismissed
Mao Zhuxi yulu毛主席语录The Little Red Book (Quotations from Chairman Mao)
Xuexi leifeng学习雷锋Study Lei Feng
Lei Feng雷锋PLA soldier whose early and tragic death was used for a political campaign before and during the Cultural Revolution
Jiang Qing江青Mao’s wife, Cultural Revolution villain and part of the Gang of Four
Kang Sheng康生Former Secret Police Chief and later considered the “godfather” of the Cultural Revolution
Mingzhou明州Former name of the historic and ancient city of Ningbo
Peng Zhen彭真One of the Eight Immortals in the 80’s, Beijing Mayor and Party boss. Later the first victim of the Cultural Revolution
Wu Lengxi吴冷西Part of the Five Man Group and in charge of People’s Daily
Lu Dingyi陆定一Part of the Five Man Group and Minister of Culture

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Ep. 84 | The Cultural Revolution (Part 2)


Ep. 82 | The History of China-India Relations